11 thoughts on “The Stanza Stones Trail

  1. I’m surprised your moors are dry enough for moorland fires – ours fells are absolutely sopping wet and have been for over a year now 😦

    I had no idea there was now a Premier Inn at Bingley – whereabouts is it? I used to walk on the canal between Shipley and Crossflatts to go to work when I was on afternoons and nights – it was a lovely walk but quite a way.

    That farmhouse you stayed in sounded amazing – what lovely folk.


    1. There’s another fire currently on Marsden Moor today! To be honest, I was actually surprised at how dry they were too, I was convinced we’d had more rain.
      The Premier Inn isn’t far off the canal…I’m busy trying to put a screen grab of the map into the comments and failing…😄


  2. Brilliant, well done Chrissie. Amazed at how dry the moors are I guess the high winds have dried them out quickly despite the heavy rain we’ve had.
    Lovely to stay on the farm with such wonderful people.
    Sympathise about stiles. Remember the challenges we had on our N Wales Pilgrimage walk. Now I’m less mobile they can absolutely prevent me walking even a short route even without a pack back.
    Squeezies around us, equally problematic as farmer have often put a post either side to prevent sheep getting through.
    Thanks for sharing your journeys.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Sarah x
      Yes squeezy stiles are a real nuisance, both with big packs and big dogs, if there’s barbed wire to either side too, they’re a complete no no! Anyone would think we weren’t welcome in the countryside…😝😝


  3. “How do….” [ the bobby on door duty, Hare & Hounds, Chiserley] a reet Yorkshire greeting….
    I wonder if the moorland fires were for grouse rearing?
    That room in Hebden Bridge was just fab.
    Pebbles, fancy not being in awe it a large overhead concrete bridge!
    A brilliant vlog Chrissie, and the family that looked after you, that was just so lovely.
    I have to say, when you mentioned Ilkley Moor, I instantly recalled PC Ventrice (William Simons) from Heartbeat, singing that song….
    I couldn’t find anything on YouTube of Ventrice singing….

    Liked by 1 person

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