Castleton To Home

The tweet says it all really.

Over the past 7 months, I’ve had so many ups and downs with this PF – good days, bad days, days when the pain/and or mental anguish has reduced me to tears – that even though I knew it was time to get back out on a solo camp, I will admit to feeling somewhat nervous about it. So in the end, I decided that for this trip I would use a campsite rather than wild camp, just in case The Foot totally misbehaved. That way I could contact Geoff to pick me up if necessary.

Day One, 4.77 miles

Ok, not a huge mileage by normal standards, but definitely a huge mileage by PF standards. Also, slightly more challenging underfoot than our average, daily dog wander.

It was a Sunday, very hot and very busy. Geoff dropped me off, and I set off in search of something to eat for lunch. We had planned on having lunch out together at a favourite cafe, but it was just too busy. A sticky cornflake thingy and a bottle of Coke would do.

For some reason, I do love a linear route that takes me home and I’d planned this one around the National Trust campsite at Upper Booth.

The first task, was to climb out of Castleton to Hollins Cross, where I would cross The Great Ridge, before dropping down the other side and into Edale. Field paths would then take me the last couple of miles west, across to Upper Booth.

It’s no big deal climbing up to Hollins Cross, but half way up I was acutely aware of both the heat, and how unfit I was feeling. Seven months of very low key exercise – and hardly any in the hills – has taken its toll.

I was also finding it hard to understand the number of dogs I was seeing out in this heat. Dogs that were looking decidedly stressed, too. Ours just don’t get exercised in these temperatures – we take them out in the comparative cool of the morning, and with their special Wet Coats on. Even then, Pebbles The Drama Queen will occasionally get teed off and dramatically throw herself on the floor, refusing to move any further until she’s had 5 minutes rest.

The campsite was very pleasant. I know it gets fully booked most weekends, but it was nearly empty this night. And they sold ice cream.


One of the farm dogs recognised me as a kindred spirit and kept throwing his ball at me.

The evening passed very pleasantly.

Day Two, 6.08 miles

A warm night, but I slept well and woke up to heavy looking, grey skies.

Very pleasantly cool and with a nice breeze. It wasn’t due to heat up again until the afternoon.

I was even wearing trousers (instead of shorts) and a long sleeved base layer.

And being Monday, it was so quiet. I hardly saw anyone all the way home.

We really do live in a nice area. It’s easy to forget that in the (often) manic crowds of a weekend, but pick your time and place, and you can still enjoy solitude.

And the foot? Well, it’s not totally better yet, but I barely noticed it over the two days. Just the occasional niggle. And that feels very good.


18 thoughts on “Castleton To Home

  1. Glad your foot is getting better. Good idea to do a relatively gentle walk. I don’t understand people taking their dogs out in the heat either.


  2. Glad you’re improving – there’s definitely a lot of fitness to regain and, more importantly, a lot of faith to rebuild – I’m going to have all that soon with my hip. I have no faith in it at the moment either as, some days, it goes mainly okay but most days it doesn’t. I have to take a pole with me each walk now just in case it locks up or starts collapsing so that I can get back. Very annoying and disquieting.

    Rather than just custard for your pud, have you tried those packs of semolina (Birds I think) which you just add hot water to – really lovely and very filling. I sometimes have them for breakfast if I’m bothying.


    1. Yes that mental faith is really more important than you think to be honest. In fact, I’m actually sat here right now almost not believing that I’ve had such a good couple of days. It takes time for that faith to become second nature again. Hope it all goes smoothly with your hip.
      I haven’t tried that semolina but I shall seek it out, thanks!


  3. Great news that you were able to successfully get through the planned two days. I remember a few years back when I had a long-term injury and I’d start out for a walk really not knowing if I could physically make it – absolutely no fun when previously you’ve always been able to go anywhere you wanted.

    We don’t take Daisy out when it is hot, she’s too old and cannot manage it. I feel so sorry for the pups who are out with such stupid owners. :(.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jayne. Yes I think you get to a point where it’s probably improving, but it then becomes more of a mind game than physical! Especially when it’s been going on so long you can hardly believe it’s getting better.
      Yes the dogs were a bit upsetting to see. Sometimes you see one that is obviously coping fine, but for the most part they weren’t happy. And sadly, they’ll generally just do what you ask them to do – they don’t understand about the heat! Except for Drama Queen Pebbles who will throw herself on the ground at the slightest excuse like someone going for an Oscar…


  4. Love Upper Booth campsite, surprised it wasn’t full! A few years ago I had so much trouble with my metatarsals, steroid injection, custom orthotics, I thought I’d never walk hills again. In the end I just thought blow this and set off up the Pennine Way with a bag of Co-codamol. The first five days were horrid. By the end of the 270 miles, bizarrely, my feet were much better and I’ve had hardly any trouble since!! A similar thing happened with the SNT and a bad knee – I walked the first 200 miles in a knee brace, then the next 250 in complete freedom from pain. I guess it could have gone either way, though, especially if I’d taken a twist. This is NOT medical advice, PF is probably something quite different. I always use Sorbothane insoles btw but again they may be quite wrong for your condition. Another thing that helps my sore feet is that rather than obsessing about keeping my feet dry, I walk in mesh shoes and actively seek out nice cool bogs to paddle through – the water cooling my sore feet is a great relief. In summer anyway 😉 All good wishes and thanks for the nice blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Andrew, that’s all very interesting actually. I’m on my third physio now, and the he’s very similar to the first one I had in ideas and treatments. The first one encouraged me to still take part in TGOC, saying that it was only pain, and I wouldn’t do it any harm. Although I found on the first day (when I managed 18 miles) that the pain was unbelievably excrutiating after the first 6 miles and I made the decision to withdraw, I have often wondered if it would have improved had I managed to keep going. What is certainly true, is that that day really didn’t make it any worse in the following days.
      I then went to a second physio who did electric shock wave therapy on it. Now that did make it worse for a good 6 weeks! It got me thoroughly depressed at times. Apparently that’s how it works though – it makes it worse to kick start the healing process again.
      Since then, I’ve gone to a third physio, who’s given me the same exercises as the first one did, but made them harder. Like him, he also agrees that walking is also physio. And he says that PF is something that should be ‘pushed hard’ – if you don’t, he says that your brain will never re-train yourself out of the pain. So I can totally believe about you walking yourself better. It all goes to prove to me that even physical problems can turn into mental problems too, and it’s certainly possible to be too gently with some stuff. (Obviously I don’t mean everything there….!) They reckon you should keep moving with bad backs these days don’t they? None of this lying about on boards for days anymore…..

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Certainly the ‘pushing hard’ approach has worked for me but I guess it’s essential to have scans/X-rays to make sure you don’t have actual mechanical injury in there. My foot was agony day in day out but when the consultant did the X-ray guided steroid injection he observed, rather grumpily, that he couldn’t see any ‘obvious injury’ inside it. Knowing then that it was presumably a nerve/muscle/inflammation thing rather than mechanical damage gave me the confidence to try the kill or cure route, but you do need that information first I think. Good luck!

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  5. Well done Chrissie, I’m delighted that you’re managing to get out and about once again!
    I’m curious: Idaho potatoes (yum!) and baked beans (yum, yum!), did you have anything else with it?


    1. Thanks JJ!
      I love mash and beans! Sometimes I throw a couple of chopped up Babybel in as well.
      Geoff gets more adventurous and puts things like pepperoni or chorizo in, and James adds stuff like sardines…….


  6. Well done Chrissie. Sometimes we do have to readjust and possibly lower our horizons a little. Yes, it can be frustrating There are days when I am doing fine and then, bang, I hit a brick wall. Often it is a juggling game and I have to adjust accordingly. Do not let the foot problem dominate you. Possibly you may have to forgo the long, hard miles for a while. It is important though to keep getting out there and not give in.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Dawn, you’re right – making sure I’m getting out now, is more important than any big days. I’m not actually a huge mileage sort of person generally anyway, to be honest, so shorter days for a while won’t really be a problem.
      I like that phrase, ‘Don’t let the foot dominate you…’! It certainly has done for long enough, time to sort that, now!


  7. A nice wee trip and looks like the recovery is in full motion. Like I said, my PF just went almost overnight, very strange and very painful condition. I once camped at that site in one of those hurricanes that sometimes come over from the US. 1986 I think. A very wet 24 hours indeed!


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