‘Oh, I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside…’

An excellent chilling weekend in Lincolnshire with the Backpackingbongos Clan.

Featuring lots of sun, a fantastic dog friendly beach, ice cream, a certain amount of alcohol (for some people, anyway), Tilly throwing up all Saturday evening after eating too much seaweed, Tilly stealing Reuben’s breakfast on Sunday morning and a superb lunch with the Mark’s Walking Blog Clan on the way home on Sunday.

















23 thoughts on “‘Oh, I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside…’

  1. Love that last photo – I was going to ask about the photo before where two people look like they’re throwing up (after too much seaweed) but see someone has had that one answered above! 😉

    Poor Tilly – but I don’t suppose she’ll learn from it as she won’t know why she was sick I suppose. It doesn’t seem to bother dogs throwing up either – I hate it and would rather be in pain personally!


    1. Apparently ’twas Pineapple Weed they were sniffing, as that’s what it smells like!

      No, Tilly won’t learn, I’m sure, and although I agree that dogs generally don’t mind throwing up, she did really look very, very, sad and sorry for herself 😦


            1. I’m afraid I haven’t heard of anyone doing them in school since I did in the 60s! It was a summer holiday ‘project’ for me, when I was 6. I absolutely loved it!


  2. Pebbles looks so big and grown up! It’s only when she’s next to the other dogs you can see that she’s still just a puppy! Looks like you had a lovely weekend. Can you please send some of that sunshine up here?


    1. I know what you mean, some photos make her look enormous, but then you see her curled up for real and remember she’s still very much a puppy!
      I’ll package some sunshine up for you today 🙂


    1. Hi Alen, yes, it doesn’t always have to be mountains, does it? I also love those expansive views and skies you get in the flatlands. Those grassy tracks which run from village to village and farm to farm, also give a sense of history to me – I like the idea of walking on ancient track ways which might well have been trod for centuries. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wonderful posting Chrissie. I absolutely love the last photo – your baby Boxer has my heart! Great big virtual hugs and Wyatt Earp “Scoobie snacks” for your canine angels. :^)


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