High Cup Nick – Who’d Take A Dog Camping In This Rain?

It was supposed to just be showers on the first day. It was supposed to be dry on the second day. All this money spent on weather forecasts and we’d probably do better with a couple of pine cones.

Still, it had to be done. Pebbles and Islay both have some single wild camping trips under their collars, but it was time for the four of us to bite the bullet and go out altogether. All in the one tent. Yep, with two pups, both under 18 months old.

Luckily, Mike, Dawn and Lucky The Dog were free, and came along to try and keep us calm and sane. It pretty much worked, too. Despite the rain, wind and lack of visibility, we had fun. The dogs were unbelievably well behaved in the tent and Pebbles was only slightly manic on the lead. To be fair, she is normally very good on the lead, but put another dog in the mix and she turns into a real floosie.

I didn’t take many photos (yucky weather, remember) so these are a mix of mine, Geoff’s and Mike’s.









16 thoughts on “High Cup Nick – Who’d Take A Dog Camping In This Rain?

    1. I’ve been several times over the years and always fancied spending a night there. Unfortunately, the one time I do spend a night there is the only time there was near zero visibility! 😀


  1. I have camped at High Cup Nick, during a Ravenglass to Lindisfarne C2C many years ago. Weather was diabolical. When I did the Pennine Way we passed through in a blizzard, Bit of a theme emerging! I don’t think I’ve ever been there on a fine day. Nor have I taken the kids there. Both need rectifying!


    1. Yep. Rain again. When I passed through on the PW mind, it was a gorgeous day. Think they might be few and far between here. What a wonderful place though when you’ve got the views – the kids definitely need to go!


  2. A bit of a dreek day, but still looked enjoyable. You had me chuckling about Pebbles. “She turns into a real floosie.” Haha. I’m working my way through them slowly but surely Chrissie. 👍


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